


Héli-Union Industry has established a rigorous safety policy driven by the level of deep maintenance performed on the helicopters trusted by the clients to us. Our safety measures strictly respect the international industry standard. For more than 12 years, our technical capabilities in Toussus-le-Noble have supported various types of helicopter flight operations. Héli-Union Industry takes on safety measures on several major points mentioned below.



Safety is an important part of any industry, especially in Oil&Gas industry which has been classed as a major hazards industry. Héli-Union operates within a set of regulatory framework by following the International Association of Oil&Gas Producers Management guidelines as a global exemplar of good safety practice.

We take all necessary precautions to minimize the probability of risks resulting in accidents to both our people and clients. This safety culture is integrated throughout all our decision making processes. To be fully acquainted of the upcoming beneficial innovations to improve our safety system, Héli-Union regularly participates in international reconciliations organized by the world’s top Oil&Gas producers.

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